Desktop/Video Adjusting

Desktop and video assessing has always been within our arsenal for looking after claims. It allows for the desktop assessor to virtually enter the home, review the damage and action accordingly. In this way, we can still sight the damage and provide guidance to policyholders in the most efficient of ways.

Use of Facetime, Skype, Zoom and other software apps means clients are not obligated to download unwanted software.

Desktop and video assessing is an ideal way to review claims for properties in remote areas and has been especially useful during the COVID19 Pandemic.
Australian Desktop and Video Adjusting

Our desktop/video team are:

Narelle Gibbon

Desktop Adjuster

AIM Insurance Services Paula Szabo

Paula Szabo

Internal Claims Adjuster

AIM Insurance Chantel Doyle

Chantel Doyle

Desktop Loss Adjuster

Proudly donating to Beyond Blue to support the mental health of people in Australia